What happens when a squirrel gets on your layout

I had the wonderful experience of having a squirrel get into my house -- and onto my layout. We think it squeezed in through a roof vent and worked its way down a wall and ultimately into the basement, where it tore across the layout. Here are some of the results:

As you can see, it derailed almost all the cars on the layout. It also did substantial damage to one of my buildings, knocking this building into several large chunks. I didn't photograph it until I had repaired it. 

Since I had it on the work bench, I took the opportunity to weather the building and add some vines, which I had been planning on doing anyway. Here are the results:

The total damage was about an hour to fix this building (not including the weathering), another half hour to repair broken couplers and rolling stock, and probably 40 minutes to rerail somewhere around 50-75 cars. This poor P2K caboose got knocked off the layout completely and smashed. It's now fixed.

I did get the squirrel out of the house eventually. There's going to be some payback this summer...

All in all, it could have been a lot worse. It skipped my urban area where it could have really cost me a lot of time and money.
